Sunday, November 4, 2007

Lang's: Final Thoughts

Well, it was an exhausting weekend. I watched A LOT of football (Go Middies! Go Ohio State!) while keeping one eye on the laptop as the auctions went off in a fast and furious mode. What can one say in the final analysis? I have several final thoughts.

1) Contrary to public opinion, I think this auction signals an upward trend in pricing. While some items went below auction estimates, and there were many items to be found at reasonable (and a few at downright bargain) prices, overall I think the prices reflect an upward surge. This bodes well for the hobby in general.

2) It is a blast being able to view auction items, like the Haskell minnow, that almost no one will ever be able to own themselves. I will never own a Haskell Minnow, but I am very pleased to be able to see photos of one, and know it is going to a collector who understands its historical importance. Items like the Haskell, the Hosmer in the box, the Thad Norris rod, etc. are literally fragments of our nation's past, and I feel honored to be able to see them, even in photos.

3) Technology has come a long, long way. Just in this auction, you've been able to see more rare tackle than most people saw in a lifetime just 20 years ago. I don't know the logistics of it, but if possible I'd love to see a live camera feed to the auction site. It would make viewing Lang's an even bigger (and more entertaining) event.

4) As much as I loved watching this on the internet, nothing beats being there in person. Next spring I plan to be at Lang's in person, so I can experience the Discovery Auction and the live auction in person.

5) Lang's run a professional and high class auction. From the incredible auction catalogs, to the precise auction descriptions, to the generally accurate pre-auction estimates, Lang's should be commended for not just running the premier tackle auction in America, but for promoting our hobby near and far, to every corner of the globe. My little blogosphere here was viewed in the past four days in every state in the union and over twenty countries--can you imagine how many people watched the live auction or followed individual items? I'd bet the number is in the tens of thousands. Kudos to John, Debbie, Jim and the rest of the Lang's gang.

That's all for now folks!

-- Dr. Todd

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