Saturday, November 27, 2010

Deconstructing Old Ads: Dr. Henshall's Bass Flies

Dr. Henshall's Bass Flies

From the May 1924 issue of Outers Recreation Magazine comes this full page advertisement from the Weber Lifelike Fly Company. Webber produced some of the most attractive catalogs in the fishing tackle business but I've seldom seen a magazine advertisement of theirs to top this one. 1924 was a time of very good economic conditions and Outers Recreation catered to the "well to do" crowd and consequently carried lots of ads with great production standards and many for high-end items. Dr Henshall is known as the "Father of Bass Fishing." If you read his books, you will find that he had little use or respect for those who used what we would refer to as "plugs". He championed live bait and artificial flys. He designed this group of bass bugs which was later produced by Weber.

-- Bill Sonnett

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