Wednesday, May 2, 2007

1994 Article on Collecting Antique Fishing Tackle

Steve Brunssen recently ran across a 1994 article from Bassin' Magazine on collecting fishing tackle. I love these kind of personal articles, even if they don't usually offer any new information. It was around 1985 that my older brother, myself and my father started collecting. We knew next to nothing other than we liked old fishing tackle and had a ton of it lying around. Then one day, our local newspaper published an article on noted collector Peter Haupt of Hayward, WI. He had the most amazing collection of Musky Vamps ever. Not long after, we were lucky enough to run into him at an auction near Hayward, and talked to him for an hour. Then he came and visited us at the cabin and we spent an afternoon talking tackle.

We were hooked. The collecting bug had hit us hard and for the next decade, almost every weekend found us pounding the pavement looking for lures. Even after I left home for college, my parents would clip these kinds of articles out of the paper and send them to me. I now have a whole file folder full of them, which I will start to scan and place up on the website for informational purposes. I like these articles because they put such a human face on collecting.

The article is entitled "Collecting Antique Tackle" and is by Bob Whitaker, and was published in the May/June 1994 issue of Bassin' Magazine.

To download a PDF version of this article, Click Here.

If anyone has any other articles like this drop me a note and I'll post them.

Thanks for Steve for allowing me to put this up!

--Dr. Todd

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