Monday, October 10, 2011

News of the Week: 10 October 2011

Don't have time to read 50+ fishing and tackle collecting blogs and web sites? Well, let us do it for you! Follow all of the latest news, articles, and stories on our Whitefishpress Twitter account! Hint: You don't need to be a member...just bookmark the Twitter Feed Page or click on latest links to the right!

The professor is a fly angler…carelessly discarded tackle can wreak havoc…clean up your tackle now…British thieves target car parks for tackle…the Brooklyn Fishing Derby is under way…a former Scottish rector and amateur rod maker has passed…A fly lends help to Healing Waters…words of wisdom from Joan Wulff…noted rodmaker Robert Gorman's shop was swept away in the recent floods…it must be THE NEWS OF THE WEEK!

This professor is a tackle researcher.

FIshing tackle discarded without thought can cause real damage.

British car parks are open game for thieves.

Why the time is right to clean up your tackle.

Summer is closing with National Hunting & Fishing Day.

The Brooklyn fishing derby is on!

The Lake Michigan salmon and trout run cannot be stopped, even by 33 foot waves.

Polish angler hooks friend. In mouth.

Dr. Ian Gilroy was the erstwhile rector of Madras College, and a cane rod maker.

A fly lends a helping hand to Healing Waters.

Ed Rice casts away while he still can.

Profound words from Joan Wulff.

Finishing WIth a Flourish: Fly rod maker Robert Gorman seeks to rebuild his life after the Green River washes away his shop.

-- Dr. Todd

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