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2200 anglers get skunked in big tournament…British angler gang up on killer shrimp…the NOAA starts its survey…using the Ducknose knot…George Orr retires…pick up your litter…British man risks life for fishing rod…interesting fish stories…Jim Scarlata gets profiled..the science and art of bamboo fly rods…nine year old much better angler than you…it must be THE NEWS OF THE WEEK!
The Big Lead: 2200 anglers fish for 3 hours in ice fishing tournament…and catch no fish.
Field & Stream's Weekly Vintage Lure Contest winner this week is the iconic Mud Puppy.
The NOAA starts its national survey of saltwater angling's contributions to the economy.
Lady worries her Heddon Lures appraised at an antique show won't find buyers.
How anglers in Britain are cracking down to stop the spread of a killer shrimp.
Using the Ducknose knot.

George Orr has turned over fish and wildlife battles to a new generation.
Don't be a jackass--pick up your litter.

A new product promises a "fine line" for trophy panfish.
British man loves his fishing rod much more than you.
This rod puts safety first .
Here are some strange and interesting fish tales.
Why you should forget one-size-fits-all rods and reels.
A profile of Jim Scarlata, big fish angler.

The science and art of building bamboo fly rods.

Finishing with a Flourish: Nine year old Florida angler much, much better fisherman than you, lands record fish.

-- Dr. Todd