In the April 1905 Western Field, Pflueger inaugurated a novel give away program that might help us to identify a number of sporting prints that have been floating around for years. In an article entiled "AN ENTERPRISING PROPOSITION," the magazine wrote:
Western Field is in receipt of one of the metal signs and window transparencies gotten out In eight colors by the Enterprise Manufacturing Company of Akron, 0. for display by dealers who handle their goods.
Both the embossed signs and the transparencies measure 10 by 14 inches. The Illustration herewith gives an idea of the subject, though it can not adequately reproduce the beauty of the colored original.
Both the signs and the transparencies are so handsomely gotten up that they are an ornament to the handsomest sporting goods establishment, and are bound to attract favorable attention wherever seen by anglers.
The Enterprise Manufacturing Company. however, have not stopped at this. They have, In addition, issued a set of certificates which, when signed by both the dealer and his customer, certifying that the customer has purchased $1.00 worth of Pflueger's goods from the dealer's store and mailed to the Enterprise Manufacturing Company, together with 4 cents in stamps to cover postage, entitles the customer to an eight-color picture of the subject illustrated below, measuring 10 by 14 Inches, but entirely free from advertising matter of any kind.
This picture is a work of art particularly appropriate for any sportsman's den and the liberal policy of the Enterprise Manufacturing Company in presenting it to their patrons is bound to greatly help the retailers In Increasing sales.
Realizing that there will be a great demand for these pictures during the coming season, the Enterprise Manufacturing Company positively state that not more than one picture will be sent to the same person, no matter what the amount of his purchase may be.
The metal signs. window transparencies. and certificates will be sent to any dealer In fishing tackle addressing the Enterprise Manufacturing Company and mentioning "Sporting Goods" in his request.
I encourage everyone to commit the above print to memory. I know I've seen it before, and did not know it was an Enterprise Manufacturing print. In fact, I am positive I saw this for sale at a recent tackle show.
I recall they were beautiful and I wish I had bought them! Does anyone own one of these prints?
-- Dr. Todd
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