Thursday, August 9, 2007

Review: Gary Bryans' Frog Lures Web Site

Frog lures have been a subject on my mind of late, as I have had the pleasure of reading a draft of a really great forthcoming book on the subject by Don Wheeler. So I naturally gravitated to the frog lure web site of Gary Bryans, the subject of this weeks review.

There are three kinds of web sites dealing with fishing tackle; educational themed ones that try to instruct the reader in learning about antique tackle, identification sites that help viewers ID a certain series or company collection of lures, and show-and-tell sites that allow the host to show off an often impressive collection of tackle. There is no one kind better than any other, and in all three categories there are good and bad web sites.

Gary's Favorite Frog--The Hosmer Mechanical manages to fit into all three categories. It has a good deal of display photos of various frog lures, but also has a nifty section that shows off some very rare frog lures and properly identifies them. It even has a "Politically Incorrect" section of the site that deals with offbeat lures that probably couldn't be sold today.

Gary's Super Rare Rhodes Mechanical Frog Box

All in all, this web site is one that you will want to visit anytime you want to see a great collection of frog lures and want to identify any of your UNIDs. I do know that frog lure collectors are growing in number every year, and they will be well served by Gary's web site, as well as the forthcoming book on the subject.

-- Dr. Todd

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