THE BIG LEAD: The New York Jewish Times reports on Camp Taji, Iraq, where battle-weary U.S. soldiers can wet a line.

President Bush, who sent the fine soldiers above on their Iraqi fishing trip (see The Big Lead), begins weekly radio address by talking about fishing. And no, fishing is not a pseudonym for "stay the course."
The upcoming Kelso, WA NFLCC show gets some love from the Longview, WA Daily News.
The Palm Beach Post profiles marlin fisherman and IGFA hall-of-fame inductee Peter Wright.

NFLCC member Doc Shelton's collection on display at local Texas Bass Pro Shop.
Chicago collectors: The Rockford Register Star posts notice on a fishing swap meet on December 1st.
From the “Not A Bad Way To Go” File: Marjorie Brass Heiss, one of Idaho’s grand fisherwomen, passes away, her altar adorned with tackle and her well-worn waders.

The Florida Antique Tackle Collector's Club gets a boost from The Ledger.
The Toronto Globe & Mail opines on the kind of estate auction I never attend that unearths two dozen boxed lures that sell for $15,000.
From the Good Idea File: A kindler, gentler brand of fishing tournament.
My old newspaper The Minnesota Daily profiles artists who create sculptures of fish and tackle boxes to honor their family.

Legendary Illinois River fishing guide Big Knobs Culjan passes away. No word on how he derived the nickname.
Washington angler lands possible world record 15.4 pound pink salmon.
Captain Jim Johnson opines on the joys of topwater fishing.
How to outsmart a dumb fish. But if fish are dumb, how dumb are fishermen who can’t catch them? Things that make you go hmmm.
Walter Scott warns us to never peek in a woman’s tackle box without permission.
New t-shirt seeks to bring basses to the masses.

NATIONAL NEWS: Homer Circle, Joan Wulff among this year’s list of IGFA Hall-of-Fame inductees. FLORIDA NEWS: Three of the IGFA Hall-of-Famers to be hail from the Sunshine State.
Just in time for your annual Geelbek fishing trip, here are some tips for Geelbek fishing off South Africa’s cape. And to think just last week I was lamenting on the paucity of good Geelbek articles…
The Concord Monitor sinks its teeth into pike
New Zealand interior designer-turned-Marlin angler catches two marlin at the same time on separate rods. Sorry, boys, she’s married.

The Charleston Post & Courier orders us to forget deer because the sailfish are biting.
From the Craft Files: How to make a fishing-themed key holder out of tennis ball can tops.

The Chicago Sun-Times, you know, the big Chicago paper that still covers outdoor news, reports on a 60 pound muskellunge caught in Lac Seul, Ontario.
The Chicago Daily Herald, you know, the small Chicago paper that still covers outdoor news, tells us that some fishermen are lazy. Also dumb.
A computerized fly-fishing game has been released for those too lazy to actually fish. Apparently, that is around 79% of Americans.
Thinking of Tarpon fishing in Malaysia? So was I. Learn what you need to know by clicking here.
Alaska woman catches huge lake trout in supposedly sterile lake.

UK Fisherman Donald Milne from Aberdeen may have broken the all-time U.K. Salmon record of Georgina Ballantine with a 69 pound monster. Classic Angling’s Keith Elliot doesn’t think it will hold up under inspection.
Guitar legend Eric Clapton fished while getting sober at Minnesota’s Hazelden clinic.
Moronic fishermen illegally transplant Lake Trout in Yellowstone National Park, leading to this horrific mess for the DNR.

Delaware angler lands near-record Spanish Mackerel.

The South Bend Tribune opines on getting kids hooked on fishing. They get a pass on the Trite Phrase Headline bashing, as its about kids fishing. But we’ve got our eyes on you, South Bend Tribune…
Secrets of snook hooking exposed.

ENDING WITH A FLOURISH: Bitter political rancor splits Australia’s fishing party; splinter Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party emerges from the ashes. No, really. They now have TWO political parties catering to the fishing life.
-- Dr. Todd
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