Thursday, August 9, 2012

Videos of the 1931 Keeley Fishing Tackle Trailer Rig

Video of the 1931 Keeley Fishing Tackle Trailer Rig

Yesterday, we gave you some photos -- historical and current -- of this incredible rig. But you have to see it in video to understand how truly cool it is. Here's a 360 degree tour of the car and trailer's external.

Donnie Gould, the president of Auctions America, was kind enough to answer a few questions about this incredible combo for us. It is well worth a listen.

Many thanks to Donnie and the team at Auctions America in Auburn, Indiana for taking this out of storage and allowing us access to it.

This rig goes to auction on Labor Day weekend, so we'll be watching very carefully to see what it goes for. Remember to check out the 1931 J.M. Keeley Car and Tackle Trailer photos on the Auctions America web site!

-- Dr. Todd

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