Monday, February 16, 2015

In The News: Remembering Ted Williams, Fisherman

Sports Illustrated used to run a lot of fishing stories. Nearly all of them were good. Some of them, like the one they chose as one of the sixty best pieces to ever run in this august magazine, are great. The article in question is called “Going Fishing with the Kid” and it focuses on the insanely competitive Ted Williams, star of the Boston Red Sox and an acclaimed angler. He was also, and I say this with all due respect, a world class jerk. Part of the reason he succeeded so greatly at both his passions is that he was unfiltered, and although you can find a lot of people who say they liked him, you won’t find anyone who will tell you that he wasn’t a jerk a lot of the time.

Read this outstanding article and learn about Ted Williams obsession with angling.

— Dr. Todd

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