Monday, November 8, 2010

News of the Week: 08 November 2010

EPA denies the lead tackle ban...Sydney gets a new tackle shop...B.A.S.S. has new loud on the ice...the Art of the Angler show gets some neat press...why a good fishing sidekick is hard to find...Irish rainbows...bamboo bikes...the best NASCAR fishing story you'll ever hear...Illinois angler catches and releases 105 pound blue story about my father makes must be THE NEWS OF THE WEEK!

The Big Lead: The EPA denies the lead fishing tackle ban.

Sydney, Australia gets a big new tackle shop.

Jerry McKinnis and his investor group finalize their plan to buy B.A.S.S.

Ted Takasaki says be loud and be heard on the ice.

Aussies who catch the biggest mackerel can win a prize!

And in your final Aussie fishing news this week, angler found dead with a tuna still hooked to his line.

A neat article about the Stamford Art of the Angler Show.

Why a good fishing sidekick is an endangered species.

In Ireland, they are having a bout over rainbow trout.

This bike maker is making bicycles...out of bamboo?

One of the greatest fishing stories ever involving NASCAR legends Dale Earnhardt and Neil Bonnett.

Illinois angler catches and releases 100+ pound blue catfish.

Fly fishing with a twist...

One writer opines on bamboo rods.

Fall stocking at Green Valley Lake.

Fly Fishing in Victoria.

Outdoors Girl gives us fish porn from New York.

Finishing with a Flourish: For those who missed it, my birthday epistle for my father on ESPN.

-- Dr. Todd

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