Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Research Report: 19 October 2010

We haven't had time to run a Research Report for some time, but I hope to be able to get some in before the new year. Here's one today from Terry McBurney, who would like information on the great Hurd Super Caster. Here's his request:

Hurd Super Caster and Caster Rod and Reel Combinations
I am researching the Hurd Lock and Manufacturing Company from Detroit, Michigan and their Super Caster and Caster rod and reel combinations for an article that I am preparing to write. I would like to communicate with Hurd collectors to discuss the company, the Hurd family and the well-made rod and reel combinations that they produced.

I can be reached at antiquefishing@comcast.net or by calling - 616-676-1148 (home) and 616-822-4233 (cell). Thanks.

Terry McBurney

Terry sends along this ad from the June 1948 Outdoor Life

Help Terry out! I know there are a lot of Hurd fans out there.

-- Dr. Todd

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