Friday, October 15, 2010

The Friday Funhouse

Video of the Week:

A nifty deleted scene from The Lost World of Mr. Hardy about British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's rod and reel:

Things I Would Buy If Only I Could Afford Them

This Shakespeare 1970A President is a fine casting reel.

Well, you'll go a long way before finding a nicer Kovaolvsky than this one!

WOW is the word that comes to mind every time I see an Ambassadeur 5600CDL. Especially one that was gifted to the reel's inventor!

Musky Vamp in a box...MUSKY VAMP IN A BOX.

I guess this South Carolina 1938 fishing license is pretty rare...

Any Four Brothers boxes are cool. Especially when they come with Green Crackleback Pflueger underwater minnows!

Is it me or does this Pflueger Kent frog look sad?

This is a nifty Ed. vom Hofe 1896 patent fishing reel and leather case.

Masterlures are awesome striper baits.

This Sunnybrook Bait from Indianapolis is super rare.

As always, have a good and safe weekend, and be good to each--and yourself.

-- Dr. Todd

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