Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday Review: June 2010 NFLCC Magazine

Thursday Review: June 2010 NFLCC Magazine

The mailman was particularly kind the day before my vacation by delivering the latest NFLCC Magazine (Vol. 20, No. 1--Summer 2010).

This particular issue was one I was looking forward to, largely because of the great on-going series by Marie Munson on South Bend. This world-class researcher did not disappoint, bringing the South Bend story up to 1920. What a story South Bend had! As it expanded due to the Bass Oreno, it became a shaker and mover in the tackle business. Many will read this story and come away amazed they did not know the information in this article.

I also anticipated this issue for my own submission, which was (believe it or not) a history of the lowly sinker. Yes, the sinker. As far as I can tell there was no detailed history of the fishing sinker before this article, so it was a lot of work to put it together (and took the help of a lot of friends). I'm proud of the final product.

A third world-class article by Doug Bucha on Charles R. Harris of frog lure fame is in this issue. Wow. Doug has spent years researching this article and it shows -- giving much detail on Harris and his baits that was not known before. It's another of the great articles that makes me proud to be a member of the club.

Finally, we get a nifty article on H.C. Brush by Gary Miller. As I've stated before, he's the reason I read the Magazine back to front.

The NFLCC Magazine is brilliantly edited by Dudley Murphy, with an able assist from Gary Miller.

If you are a not a member of the NFLCC click here for information on how to join.

-- Dr. Todd


  1. Congrats on the sinker history article being published.


    Sonar World

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