Monday, June 7, 2010

News of the Week: 07 June 2010

Don't have time to read 50+ fishing and tackle collecting blogs and web sites? Well, let us do it for you! Follow all of the latest news, articles, and stories on our Whitefishpress Twitter account! Hint: You don't need to be a member...just bookmark the Twitter Feed Page or click on latest links to the right!

Largest salmon caught in the Northwest?...Florida oysterman race against the oil spill...Oshkosh has the biggest fishing tourney...a million dollar bass...Jaws on our beaches...hungry lake trout...FLW pro Brent Ehrler takes questions....snake lures for bass pros...huge walleye in world record catfish from Italy...and world record peacock must be THE NEWS OF THE WEEK!

The Big Lead: Is this the largest salmon ever caught in the northwest?

Florida oysterman race against the oil spill.

Oshkosh is hosting the biggest tourney ever.

How to choose the right carp fishing reel.

UK tackle shops are hoping for a hot summer in sales and weather.

How to angle for a million dollar bass.

Is jaws on our beaches?

Lake trout in Canada are deep but hungry.

If you teach a man to fish he'll lie about the one that got away.

No drift? Break out them bucktails, son!

Brent Ehrler takes your questions.

When things look bleak, there's always crawdad...

These anglers use snake lures to win bass tournaments.

Huge walleye in Bemidji.

Fishing for business in Sheboygan.

Top water lures induce bass strikes.

Finishing with a Flourish: Two all-tackle world records: the first a catfish from the River Po...

The second is a new all-tackle Peacock Bass.

-- Dr. Todd

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