Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A New Weekly Feature: The Research Report!

A New Weekly Feature: The Research Report!

A new feature is being added to the Fishing For History Blog.  The feature, to run every Sunday, is dedicated to those readers and collectors who research antique tackle of all varieties and could use the help and comments of all those readers whose collections and life experiences might provide a missing bit of needed data. 
Each week a question on some aspect of tackle related research will be entered on the Blog in hopes that someone out there can provide the answer.  If a helpful reply is received it will be entered the following week so all can follow the resulting dialog.
So all you researchers out there who are stumped by some obscure aspect of the hobby, send in your questions and a picture or two of the subject rod, reel, lure, bobber, or other tackle related item.  Send in your queries about a long expired tackle manufacturer or tackle retailer and we will see what answers await!

Additionally, aspiring researchers and authors can send in a short blurb about their project, which will publish in The Research Report every Sunday. The rationale for this is that it is always good to let people know what you are doing research on, so that if they run across something of use they can contact you. Please include a brief description of your research project, the nature of your research, any lingering questions you would like help with, and contact information.

Email and make sure to put "RESEARCH REPORT" in the email header.

-- Dr. Todd

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