Sunday, May 23, 2010

Please Help the Heddon Museum!

Please Help the Heddon Museum!

Joan Lyons emailed me and asked that I post this letter from her, along with a downloadable PDF file containing her quest for help in completing her book (you can download it by Clicking Here. Here is her message:

I am starting to scan the items I need to show in my upcoming Heddon Research book. There are some items I have copies of, but they are not good enough for printing in the book. I am looking for originals on the list below.

Most of it is paper catalogs, dealer flyers, ads etc, but some is information is needed on specific lures and boxes. Anything you can do to help is greatly appreciated.

I need your help. If you could: send me the item and I will return it…or sell it to me for the Museum library, or scan it at the highest resolution possible and email it to me, or take a good photograph /non shiny white background and email it to me or take a good photograph/non shiny white background and mail it to me…last resort.

Let me know you will bring the item to the national and I can take the picture.

I need your name & address and your written permission for release to use the pictures and will give credit with your name under the photo/scan…or not if you wish.

I will always give credit for information or help in the book.

If you have the item or any questions, please call me at 269-782-5698 or email me at . Please email me here and not on Joe’s board, for it is easier for me to answer and find you.

Do not send anything until you have called me in case someone else has already sent me the item.

Please don’t ask me “When will the book be done”…I’ve never done this before and there are over 1000 pictures that need to be put in and organized..probably at least another year for volume 1. There will be three volumes. The one I am working on now is Volume 1-Lures. Volume II is Rods, Reels And Line. And Volume III is Dealer and Misc. items.

The working title is “Everything in a Heddon Catalog…and a little bit more.” 98% is information from the catalog put in table form. The information is ONLY from the catalogs, factory printed information or ads where there are no factory papers. The other 2% is non-cataloged information and VERY brief history and hardware chapters. Basically, you can take a lure (or any item) and find out when it was cataloged, what cataloged colors (or details if it is rods) it was made in and what changes/sizes etc. were made in the catalogs over the years it was produced. I have over 1000 pages of text/pictures for the 3 volumes.

Thank you all again for your help.

Joan Lyons / Heddon Museum
204 W. Telegraph St.
Dowagiac, MI 49047
269-782-5698 – Home phone


  1. I've been to the museum, cool place and good to support it.

  2. Hello! I write a column Atlanta Fishing Examiner,
    Would it be ok if I put this letter out too, so that she gets as much info back to her as possible,
    I love your blog, Im displaced from cinti and live in Georgia now
    Thank you,
    Tina Ranieri

  3. Hi Tina,

    I sent an email to you, but to reiterate, yes! Please help spread the word.

    -- Dr. Todd
