Sunday, March 7, 2010


I am constantly blown away about how many great people are involved in this hobby of ours, especially the community we've created here on Joe's (thanks as always to Pappa Joe Yates for putting up with us).

I put out a query for help on the Sinker article and I have been BLOWN AWAY by how many nice and kind people have taken time out of their busy schedules to drop me a note, pictures, or a word of encouragement. UNBELIEVABLE. This hobby is amazing and I can't imagine my life without it. I know how valuable time is and truly appreciate the moments (and hours in some cases) people have taken to help me out -- and many others -- better enjoy this thing we do.

Just a short list (and please don't be offended if I have missed a name as it is unintentional and a product of an overworked mind) of those who've helped on the sinker article:

Steve Lumpkin, Ken Kerr, Jim Garrett, Skip Brooks, Stuart Stein, Vic Bjork, Dan Leroux, Michael Roehr, Steve O'Hern, Gibby Gibson, Merv Bortman, Tom Temple, Dick Gresock, Bob "Grouch" Klawitter, Big Foot, Donald Dye, RP Brisco, Gary Henderson, Bob Barbel, and others.

Kudos to all of you! I owe all of you a debt of thanks. And thanks for making what we do such a joy and so great.

-- Dr. Todd

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