Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday Review: The Nov. 2009 NFLCC Magazine

Thursday Review: The Nov. 2009 NFLCC Magazine

The mail brought a great early Christmas gift -- the latest edition of the NFLCC Magazine (Vol. 19, No. 2).

In the lead off slot is yours truly with the second part of the "What's Your Line" article, on the history of American fishing line. This one focussed on the monofilament revolution. I was writing a good friend this morning about the article, and noted that although I've got a huge library, and access to much more, I could find almost nothing written about the history of monofilament! Almost all of the info in that article appears for the first time in print in it. For something that changed the world so much, we have almost nothing written about it. So I was happy to offer up this article and hopefully show that plastic line (and line spools) are collectable in their own right. Remember, I posted some pictures from the article that were cropped on my blog a few weeks back.

Batting second is Marie Munson, who's "The History of the South Bend Bait Co.: Part 2, Rise to Prominence" is just a phenomenal article and exemplary of her stellar research and writing. Just a flat out "WOW." This early South Bend history has been speculated on so much, it is great to see the record set straight. I particular like Ivar Hennings and it's nice to learn more about his career.

Hitting third is Doug Bucha, another first-rate researcher, who gives us the dope on "Hardy's Silvered Minnow," the wood bodied minnow alternative sold by the famed British company. Very neat and interesting article.

Batting clean up is Steve Irwin, who gives us a totally unique and fascinating article entitled "General Lew Wallace's Fishing Rod," which chronicles the fishing exploits, tackle inventions, and fishing gear of this famous 19th century icon, probably best remembered today as the author of Ben Hur. This is a great article as well, and full of information few people know.

In the Five Slot comes our own Bill Sonnett. "The Isle Royale Bait Company: A Short History" is another high quality piece from Bill, the kind we've come to expect from the resident "Old Ads" writer. It shows in brilliant color the lures and colors of nearly every bait offered from this interesting company.

As always, Gary Miller clears the bases with his "Fundamental Minnow: George Bolton and the ABC's of Minnow Selection." The reason why I read the magazine from back to front.

This is, in my opinion, one of the best issues of this magazine I've ever read. Really, really great stuff. Kudus to our editor Dudley Murphy, who is ably assisted by Gary Miller in this thankless task. To learn more, or to join the NFLCC, Click Here.

-- Dr. Todd

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