Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday Review: Fall 2009 NFLCC Gazette

Today we take a look at the latest issue of The NFLCC Gazette (Vol. 32, No. 121--Fall 2009), the first publication on the history of fishing and tackle ever printed and the quarterly organ of the NFLCC.

This issue brought a lot of interesting articles. We start with a message from the new president, Byron Parker. I believe the NFLCC is in extremely good hands right now. This was followed by a massive gallery of NFLCC Nationals pictures. This is one of my favorite features, for not only does it remind me of how much fun the Nationals are, it serves as a pictorial record of the events themselves. A note to tournament casters and vintage tackle enthusiasts: check out the picture at the bottom of Page 5. The gentleman on the far left is showing perfect casting form.

Dan Basore gives us biographies of our latest Honorary Members of the NFLCC, including Glen Andrews, Robert Withey, and Russ Smith. Theodore Everett wrote the second part of his fascinating article "George Richey and the Bar Lake Ice Spearing Decoy." I'm sure George would have been very proud of this piece.

At the urging of the Gazette editor, I inaugurated a new series of articles entitled "Profiles in Collecting." My first subject, naturally, was Dick Streater, and we had a lot of fun chatting about the origins of the NFLCC and what it has meant to him over the years.

Two feature articles were in this issue. The first was by Terry McBurney, who penned "Boyd's Two-Way Bait: A Breakthrough." It covers the interesting history of this mid-1950s intricate fishing lure. The second article was "The Other Johnson Spoon" by Colby Sorrells. It chronicles the history of the Texas Johnson spoon, and differentiates it for the rest of us from the legendary Illinois Johnson spoon.

Short articles included an overview of the NFLCC Nationals (1020 attendees), a review of NFLCC member Colby Sorrell's new book, and the return of "Can You ID?."

If you are not a member of the NFLCC and would like to join in the fun, please CLICK HERE. The NFLCC Gazette is edited by Jim Fleming.

-- Dr. Todd

1 comment:

  1. Hey Todd,
    Just wanted to comment here that the NFLCC should have an online sign up form along with payment through something like Paypal. Membership is stagnated by the 80's era method of printing something out and sending it in your two cereal box tops. NFLCC members should push this initiative to drive more younger members to join.
