Thursday, August 13, 2009

UPDATE: People Still Love Gadabout Gaddis!

UPDATE: People Still Love Gadabout Gaddis!

Wow. I got over a dozen emails yesterday raving about Gadabout Gaddis. What an amazing guy. Here are three neat ones. The first is from Dan Basore, lure collector and angler extraordinaire:

Boy you really woke me up this morning Todd...
Attached is a picture of Gadabout and me doing a promotion at a Rotary Club meeting in Indianapolis in the 70's. (Note the Mann's decals as they were my main sponsor then).
I was the speaker and my subject was 'having a positive attitude in business, fishing and life' and was so well received that I was asked to return for more performances to this club over the years, one of their only repeat speakers.
Gadabout and I were also promoting the Indianapolis Boat and Sports Show. I have been so fortunate to be at the right place at the right time to meet and befriend my heroes in fishing.
A life lesson that Gadabout taught me when visiting him at his home in Florida once in his later years is one I live by and highly recommend. Gaddis told me how he had the unpleasant task of burying a couple of wives. He blamed there passing on worrying about trivial stuff affecting their nerves and enjoyment of life. "If you spill a pitcher of milk, just clean it up and pour another, don't get all agitated about it" was Gadabout's philosophy.  
One could identify his teaching now as "Don't worry be happy."

Wow! Nifty story and great picture. The next one comes from Shane Andrews, son of legendary bass angler Glen Andrews and the co-author of a great biography of his father due out this fall.

I thought you might want this image.  It's a scan of a copy given to me by Jim Rogers.

Gad sure got around!

Finally, we have an email from our friend in Maine, Jeff Knapp, who reminds us that Gadabout Gaddis also sold a lot of fishing tackle from his show.

Coincidentally, I sold this last week. It's his advertised set of killer lures.

Thanks for emailing, guys! Gadabout was clearly a beloved guy.

-- Dr. Todd


  1. I must have been around 13 when my dad and I watched The Flying Fisherman together. Now that I'm retiring, I've dug up my childhood tackle box and I'm organizing all my tackle. I was de-lighted to find the Gadabout Gaddis lures that I had gotten back in the 60s. Brought back some good memories. Thanks Gadabout, where ever you are!

  2. I must have been around 13 when my dad and I watched The Flying Fisherman together. Now that I'm retiring, I've dug up my childhood tackle box and I'm organizing all my tackle. I was de-lighted to find the Gadabout Gaddis lures that I had gotten back in the 60s. Brought back some good memories. Thanks Gadabout, where ever you are!

  3. I use to watch the TV show when I was a kid in the 60's.
    And I purchased his lure set from the show.
    But mine contained ten lures, not five.
    I still have nine of them. One I lost when it snagged something submerged in the water. I was devastated because that one was my favorite.

  4. I've just bought a box full of different spinner lures and found these gadabout. They look pretty old.

  5. I have 1 Gaddabout crackle frog spoon left from the kit. Does anyone have the entire set for sale? Or any of the other ones? If so, how much?
