Saturday, May 16, 2009

Deconstructing Old Ads with Bill Sonnett

Deconstructing Old Ads with Bill Sonnett

The Worden Bucktail of 1903

This advertisement is not a rare one, having appeared in many publications in 1903. What does make it unique is the fact that it features an actual photograph of the bait in question and the lettering appears to have been hand done. Notice that Worden does not mention any wooden minnows in his advertising. His minnows of course featured a spinner that have the patent date December 1903 stamped on the blade. This was not Worden's patent but rather one he contracted for use with Mr Junod of Celina, Ohio the holder of the patent. When did Worden start making wooden minnows? That question will be answered in another advertisement next week.

-- Bill Sonnett

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