Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Voices from the Past: World's Smallest Fly Rod? (1930)

Today we feature an article from a 1930 Sporting Goods Dealer outlining what has to be the smallest functioning fly rod in existence. Anyone know any Spokane, Washington rodmakers who might have made this???

Tiny Fly Rod Is Only 15 Inches High

What is believed to be the tiniest dry fly rod ever built, total weight 1/16 of an ounce, was presented to Dr. W.L. Von Nashmen, a Spokane (Wash.) sportsman, as a recent Izaak Walton League meeting in that city. Dr. Von Nahmen had been complaining that he could not purchase a rod light enough to suit his fancy.

The rod, with its case (shown beside a pencil for comparison), when "strung up," has a length of 15 inches. A single action reel is a part of this unique fishing outfit, the reel having both a drag and click and capacity of 25 yards of line. A No. 24 fly and its leader are shown in their receptacle in the case. The rod windings were put on with the aid of a magnifying glass and tungsten steel guides were used. The rod was presented to Dr. Von Nahmen by Wynn Coultas, also of Spokane.

-- Dr. Todd

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
