Sunday, April 12, 2009

ANNOUNCEMENT: Baghdad Angler's Club

NFLCC Gazette editor Jim Fleming sent me this email and I wanted to share it with everyone as I think it's a really great service. Many thanks to Jim for sending this our way.

Hi Todd,

I recently became aware of a great R&R project for our servicemen and woman that are serving in Iraq. The Baghdad Anglers Club and Fly Fishing School provides recreational fishing for any of our solders in and around the lakes near Al Faw Palace in Baghdad. The area is now Victory Base.

I am going to try to drum up support from our NFLCC friends, our friends on Joe's board, and my music industry clients. I wish I had known sooner, as they just auctioned off a $5800.00 alaskan fishing adventure. It went for around $1300.00

I have spent the last couple of weeks checking them out, to make sure that this project is on the up & up. The good news is that they are an A+ organization.

Please check out their web site Baghdad Fly Fishing.       

As soon as I find out where we can all send tackle donations to I am going to get started. I will forward some of the return emails that I got on them to you so that you can see what others have to say about them.



The testimonials Jim forwarded all give this organization an A+. I'll post some updates when Jim gets together a bit more information.

-- Dr. Todd

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