Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday Review: Winter NFLCC Gazette

As a service for those who aren't members of the NFLCC, I am reviewing the contents of the December 2008 (Vol. 32, No. 118) NFLCC Gazette. This issue had some neat articles and an announcement that Byron Parker will be the new incoming NFLCC president.

The big article in this issue was Charley Soares' "Stan Gibbs: Legend of the Lathe about this very important saltwater lure manufacturer. It was a detailed and informative article and a welcome addition to our body of knowledge.

Jack Looney's writings are always anticipated, and he offered a nice one in his "Oklahoma Buck's Tackle Company," which covers this firm's Plug Bug. Additionally, we were happy to have a second Looney article in "Fortunate Encounters."

There were three other research articles. Galen Ash of West Virginia gives us "The Hallure Story" that covers a little-known lure from Wheeling, WV. Dan Basore's always excellent articles are some of my favorite reads, and this one is no exception. "Kicky the Swimming Frog" covers the history of this very, very cool frog lure with a few surprising twists and turns in its past. Finally, Tom Schofield and Chris Slusar gave us a nifty history of a Wisconsin spoon in "The Mickie Spoon."

Smaller articles included a glowing review by Wayne Ruby of the new Jerry Jolly book Pflueger Fishing Lure & Miscellaneous Tackle Patents, Bob Vermillion's "Ohio Mystery Frog Baits," Roger Lewis gave us a nice poem "Winter Dreams," and Marc Dixon had three articles--"Flat Tails and Pointy Heads," "Hanging Paper," and "The Power of Provenance."

All in all a pleasant edition and a welcome distraction from the horrible ice and snow raging around me.

-- Dr. Todd

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