Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday Review: The Life Magazine Photo Archive

Thursday Review: The Life Magazine Photo Archive has teamed up with Life Magazine to digitize and make available every photograph from the history of this landmark publication. You read that correctly. EVERY PHOTOGRAPH!

From the standpoint of coolness, it's about an 11 on a 10 scale, but it also has some application for those interested in the history of fishing. Take, for example, this photograph of the lovely Ginger Rogers with a fly rod that eventually graced the cover of Life in the 1940s.

Or former boxing champion Max Schmelling?

Or how about this 1950s classic about a bait casting instruction seminar (check out how many people are in attendance!).

And for those more tackle-oriented, how about this great 1960s photos of the famed Lauri Rapala of Finland?

Of course, you can always spend your time googling photos like this:

So take out a few minutes and search around, you never know what you'll be able to find! The Google/Life archive can be found by clicking here.

-- Dr. Todd

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