Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lang's Week Part 3

Lang's Week Part 3

L.P. Brooks is one of the most knowledgeable collectors in the business, and one of the nicest guys. As usual, he has put together a marvelous list.

As usual, I'm stunned by the amazing volume and variety of quality items up for consideration in the next Lang's Auction. After viewing the wealth of material, I'm drawn to the smaller, out-of-the-way lots which will not break the bank at Monte Carlo but will give a dedicated collector hours of enjoyment and will be a valued addition to any tackle collection. Some favorites that caught my eye are:

Item 611 - Two Early Sporting Goods and Tackle Catalogs. Anytime you can add some early reference material to your collection it's got to be a plus. I picked this lot as an example but there are other, similar lots up for auction which would equally satisfying. The wealth of information contained in these old catalogs is priceless and may well give additional context to items already in your collection.

Item 1646 - Two vintage Boxed Trout Reels. As with the item above, anytime you can acquire two early, workman like reels with their original boxes you come out ahead. These two old soldiers are fine examples of popular tackle items from their time period. As with the tackle catalogs above, there are multiple small lots, like this one, up for bid in the auction, any one of which will make their new owner very satisfied.

Item 1849 - 34 Vintage Cork & Wooden Bobbers. Floats, while becoming more popular in recent years, have yet to receive their "due" in terms of collector popularity. A lot, such as this one, provides a wide variety of styles, shapes and colors and should spark the purchasers interest to research the lineage of these handiworks. It's time for the old familiar brand names like Heddon and Pflueger to move aside and make some room for float producers such as Ideal and Shurkatch. If this kind of collectible is of interest to you - pick out that lot which catches you eye and cast your lot.


James K. Garrett has been immersed in the nuances of fishing and fishing tackle history for the better part of two decades. With a prodigious memory and a voracious reading appetite, there is almost nothing he does not know--and can't recall--about fishing tackle.

621: Rare South Bend Lure Co. Fishing Photo Album. People who bid at Lang's auction are, for the most part, either collectors or investors. Our first impulse is to look at auction items as desirable art forms for display or great rarities, the ownership of which, will be envied by others or good investments and bargains that demonstrate our acumen. However this important photo album unmistakably reminds us that these South Bend items were made for everyday people to fish with. For some of the people in the pictures, taken in 1923, the snapshot represents one of the best days of there lives. It pictures an event they told friends and neighbors and family about until the day that they died. It speaks well of the way we Americans spent our leisure time, our happiness in small pleasures, our humanity. These 400 photographs record an American innocence that will not come again.

Deluxe Go-ite Indiana Reel in Correct Box. All Go-ite reels are of unusual and interesting construction. However, the Delux model is so unusual as to make first time viewers and Star Treak fans giggle. The Delux Goite is not only about the rarest version of their reels but looks for all the world like the Starship Enterprise when turned upside down. Collectors lucky enough to own this reel almost never have the box, bag and papers to go with it. This combination is not only great fun, it is a great rarity.


Robin Sayler is a year out of Michigan Tech and rapidly preparing for his wedding. He also has a growing reputation as one of the most knowledgeable Pflueger reel collectors around. Here is his list.

1084: Pflueger Dixie Salt Water Reel. There are alot of rare pflueger salt water reels offered this time around but my favorite is the dixie. I think it has a catchy name and in my opinion comes up less often than the others.

1091: Scarce Pflueger Reel Display Stand. These don't come up very often, I've only seen a couple
They are about as perfect as it gets for displaying your pflueger reels....almost like they were made for it!

1445: Waltonian German Silver and Aluminum Reel. I've never seen one of these before but it looks really
different. Not sure how well works but it is certinly unique.

567: Rare Early 1898 Enterprise Pflueger Catalog. If you collect enterprise catologs this one is one of the best
to add to a collection. They don't come much older than this one. Unless...

566: 1895 Enterprise Pflueger Fishing Tackle Catalog. Another very hard to find catalog. I don't know how these things survive as long as they have. Very cool.

1548: Quality Bi-Metal Raised Pillar Multiplying Reel. Bi-metal fly reels are fairly common but I really liked this
little gem. A bi-metal multiplier gets my vote. I'm sure they don't come up every day.


What Warren Platt doesn't know about fishing reels is probably not worth knowing in the first place. This dedicated Talbot researcher, antique tackle angler, and F.O.B.S. (Friend of Bill Sonnett) has sent in a very interesting list:

In order to hold my list to six items I will have to bypass the great oil painting (# 289) by John Frost. Original sporting paintings are to die for!

1. # 1328 Talbot Ben Hur Fly reel. Since I collect Talbot reels and don't have a Ben Hur this would be my choice. This one was also made in my home town of Kansas City. But have you ever heard the saying "Dream on"? That applies to this item for me.

2. # 621 South Bend Fishing Photo Album (photos of entries in South Bend's contests). Has to be full of great fishing photos that includes information about each catch.

3. # 1974 Harris Cork Floating Frog & picture box top. Legend has it that this is the lure that inspired James Heddon to make his first carved frog. That being true or not it's one of my favorite baits and then to add the pictured box top. Just great.

4. # 689 Fly tied by Louis Rhead. I love every one I've ever seen. Mr. Rhead may just be the greatest individual Fly/Lure maker of all time!

5. # 956 Monarch Indiana Reel with picture box. I just couldn't let this auction pass without selecting one of my buddy Larry Moellman's Indiana reels. He's had a great time collecting these and this one would be my choice.


Chris Labuz, when he isn't working 70 hour weeks or being Superdad, has put together the largest collection of Horrocks-Ibbotson tackle ever seen, as well as major Creek Chub, fish decoy, and misc. collections to boot. Here is his list:

I wish this decoy could talk, wonderful eye appeal, leather tail. I guess we can only imagine the rugged 19th century individual heading out on snow shoes, chopping thru the ice. Just hoping to spear a meal for his family. All before Global Warming..

2)Lot 1831 Pequea Salesman's Sample Case
My wife wanted Pearls for Christmas, this should fit the bill.

3)Lot1865 Pflueger's Maybug Spoon
A beautiful hand painted work of art that amazingly survived attached to a card. I'm sure many Bass were captivated by this hooked beauty.

Lot 1970 The Hosmer Mechanical Froggie
If you collect frog baits this is definetely the Holly Grail and a bait any collector would love to own. I just love the instructions on the box, "Allow time for Froggie to reach bottom" Its sad to think that a few of these baits ended up on the bottom of a lake.

Tomorrow: Dr. Todd Weighs In!

-- Dr. Todd

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