Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Funhouse

The Friday Funhouse

Video of the Week

The terror of the Snakehead in the Potomac River. As an aside, its amazing for once they actually caught a fish they were talking about!

Things I Would Buy If I Could Afford Them

This rare Bing's minnow is a great Wisconsin made bait.

An awesome ABU 5500 Hi Speed is a tremendous reel to fish or collect.

A nice Bill Stanley Favorite fly rod from Heddon does honor to ol' William Stanley's name.

This classic George Lawrence creel is a great piece of eye candy.

The Penn 10/0 is one big saltwater boy.

This 9/0 Ed. vom Hofe is only slightly smaller than the Penn above.

Here's a lure you never, ever see--the Wiggly Wriggler.

This Heddon Vamp in blue head/white is sooooooo rare.

McVickar Bushkill fly reels were the first to used roller bearings...

This Jones Minnow Bucket from the Deshler Mailbox Company of Deshler, Ohio is super rare.

It would go awesome with this Lucas Floating Minnow Bucket.

Wow! This Follett fly reel from the 1880s is a fantastic classic piece of fishing tackle.

This Meek Reel Oil bottle from Horton is a nifty go-with for any Meek collection.

This Winchester BB Split Shot tin is going to drive the Winchester collectors crazy.

This is a cool Shurbite frog in the box.

As always, have a safe weekend, and be good to each--and yourself.

-- Dr. Todd

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