Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The 2008 ORCA Nationals Review by Robyn Summerlin

I was unable to attend the ORCA Nationals a few weeks ago in Colorado, so I thought this nice short review by Robyn Summerlin would whet your appetite a bit. Sounds like it was a blast! More photos and commentary can be found here. Sorry for the belated post but I was off catching fish!

The 2008 meeting was smaller than usual but fun nonetheless.  Bill Land worked hard to see that the venue was up to expectations and offered all of the amenities the convention requires including open space for the casting contest and reel toss.  The street behind the hotel points towards Pikes Peak, just behind the front range mountains.

The same weather system that brought all of the flooding and tornadoes to the midwest moved through the area at the onset of the convention.  I didn't get there until Thursday afternoon but heard that the trout fishing that morning was accompanied by high winds, thunder and lightning, hail and snow.  Driving up I-25 a few miles south of Pueblo that same day en route to the meeting I was surprised to see a snow blanket covering the area, evidence that a strong system had just passed through.  But Friday broke clear and pleasant and warm weather remained with us for the rest of the convention.

Thanks mainly to Dave Erickson and Randy Gariglietti I was able to add some nice reels to the display cabinet and keep my bank account at the service charge level.  They included a Standard Professional 43053, a pre-1910  60-yd.Universal, two Style Bs (one S/N 408 which would probably date to around 1905 and the other a 1910 Model) and a Model 1922 Superior Kalamazoo in the old gray box.  The empty banner box will house my 1743 Tournament.Although I spent more time on the road driving to and from Colorado Springs than at the convention itself, I was glad that I went and got to spend some time with a great bunch of folks and meet a few new ones.  Jim Schottenham mentioned that next year's meeting will likely be in Florida--hope to see you all there! 


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