Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More Paul Young

It seems there has been a virtual explosion of information on Paul Young of late. Not only did the two-part article on Young, South Bend and the Comfo-Grip controversy generate some interesting information, but a new thread on Clark's board penned by Young's granddaughter may very well turn what we know about Young and his rodmaking venture on its ear. You can read the whole thread (in particular page 2) by Clicking Here.

In the meantime, Jack Bright sent me this fascinating anecdote, as he knew the Youngs personally.

Young and Southbend (SB), you opened a window in my past: When I was 12 yrs. old I bought my first fly rod from Paul at his neat little store, corner of Grand River St. and Vicksburg, Detroit in May 1934. My parents had surprised me that past Christmas with a new beautiful bike, but six months later without their knowledge, after being infatuated with fly fishing at 10 years old, by my uncle in Traverse City, I was hooked on the sport. Had been to Young`s store many times, we were 'buds' of a sort along with his neat wife Martha Marie, so I sold my bike for $12 and bought a South Bend 8 1/2 footer from the Young`s. Always was puzzled in later years about SB being at the Young store. NOW I know, and thanks.

Selling bike almost got me whacked, but Mom stepped in and said, 'he`s safer fishing that riding around these busy streets' --- Thanks Mom!

A great tidbit of Young history.

-- Dr. Todd


  1. The link to the Young granddaughter thread does not seem to work.



  2. The link to the Young granddaughter thread does not seem to work.


