Monday, March 10, 2008

News of the Week, 10 March 2008

Jackie Chan's father is buried with his favorite fishing rod...stories of fishing in Iraq abound...the man behind Shimano to get yourself a yellowtail...the beauty and grace of worming for trout...the Joe Mauer fishing must be THE NEWS OF THE WEEK!

The Big Lead: Movie star Jackie Chan buries his father Charlie in Australia with a single white rose....and his fishing rod.

NFLCC members pen the early history of the Pflueger Surprise Minnow.

NFLCC member Kyle Kuba gets profiled by The Rochester Democrat.

The Bass Fishing Hall of Fame adds four anglers.

More stories on G.I.'s fishing in Iraq. First the UPI writes it up, then Stars & Stripes.

The San Francisco Chronicle tells us its a good time to take inventory--of ourselves and our tackle.

Lafayette man invents new hook that leads to Falcon Lure Company.

Avid sea angler catches flounder at age 100 before passing to the great fishing boat in the sky.

Fishing with friends, Malaysian style.

Aussie boats 33kg blue groper. Good day, mate!

How to get your very own yellowtail.

The Detroit Free Press tells us what it takes to invent the next big fishing lure.

An interview with Kozo Shimano, namesake of the tackle firm.

Tedd Lee breaks Florida state record Peacock Bass.

Tarpon fishing is still the tops at Cape Coral, Florida.

The Mother Earth News tell us of the grace and artistry of...worming for trout?

Tony Zappia--outdoor columnist for the Watertown Daily Times for the past 19 years--has retired.

Tom Meade profiles a new program teaching Richmond Chariho Middle School kids how to tie flies.

From The Hindu in India comes a tale of angling, written for kids.

I'm still trying to figure out what this fishing-related story is all about...

The current state of politics is lampooned in this parody on "Teach a man to fish..."

Finishing with a Flourish: Home Run Derby, a cool baseball site, profiles the top 10 Baseball promotions of the upcoming year. At the top of the list is the Joe Mauer Fishing Lure giveaway. And yes, as a Twins fan I have to have one of these things!

-- Dr. Todd

1 comment:

  1. Teal,

    Thank you for mentioning us on your Web site. We're glad you enjoy Mother Earth News.

    Great blog on fishing. Happy our article was helpful.

    Laura Evers
    Mother Earth News
