Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fishing for History Turns 1 Today!

Happy Birthday to us! One year ago today, Fishing for History: The History of Fishing and Fishing Tackle blog had its humble beginnings. Never did I dream it would be as interesting, frustrating, and time-consuming as it has turned out to be. What began as a small little attempt to shed some light on fishing history has since put me into contact with hundreds of individuals across the globe, people who have taken the time to write and introduce themselves. 268 posts later it has morphed into the Fishing for History blog that is here before you, five days per week.

I am particularly indebted to those individuals who have contributed to the blog. They include (but are not limited to) Jim Garrett, Bill Sonnett, Warren Platt, Brian Funai, Richard Lodge, Jack Bright, Jerry Jolly, Robert Hann, Patrik Lönell, Joel Kifer, Steve Wight, and the many people who have sent links, videos, and auction pages for the web site.

My goal for Year 2 is to get MORE OF YOU TO CONTRIBUTE MATERIALS! Original articles, editorials, essays, poems, interviews, show reports, anything that will keep me from being chained to this computer all morning long!

I'd like to thank everyone, including those from over 60 countries, who visit my little moon in the universe of cyberspace. I hope you've enjoyed yourself a little bit, and will continue to do so in the future!

-- Dr. Todd

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